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Arbidane, I.; Mietule, I. 2018. Problems and solutions of accounting and evaluation of biological assets in Latvia, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 10-22.
5741 2394
Ieva Astrauskaitė, Arvydas Paškevičius
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Astrauskaitė, I.; Paškevičius, A. 2018. An analysis of crowdfunded projects: KPI’s to success, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 23-24.
4898 2121
Svetlana Mikhailovna Bychkova, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Makarova, Elena Anatolyevna Zhidkova
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Bychkova, S. M.; Makarova, N. N.; Zhidkova, E. A. 2018. Measurement of information in the subsystem of internal control of the controlling system of organizations of the agro-industrial complex, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 35-43.
4309 1851
Egidijus Bikas, Vitalija Saponaitė
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Bikas, E.; Saponaitė, V. 2018. Behavior of the Lithuanian investors at the period of economic growth, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 44-59.
5107 2144
Ramunė Budrionytė, Lionius Gaižauskas
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Budrionytė, R.; Gaižauskas, L. 2018. Historical cost vs fair value in forest accounting: the case of Lithuania, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 60-76.
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Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Būmane, I. 2018. The methodology of the statement of comprehensive income and its impact on profitability: the case of Latvia, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 77-86.
4412 2146
Liliya Filipishyna, Svetlana Bessonova, Gerda Venckeviciute
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Filipishyna, L.; Bessonova, S.; Venckeviciute, G. 2018. Integral assessment of developmental stability: cases of Lithuania and Ukraine, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 87-99.
4564 1798
Jonas Mackevičius, Ruta Šneidere, Daiva Tamulevičienė
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Mackevičius, J.; Šneidere, R.; Tamulevičienė, D. 2018. The waves of enterprises bankruptcy and the factors that determine them: the case of Latvia and Lithuania, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 100-114.
4587 2184
Audrius Masiulevičius, Vaclovas Lakis
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Masiulevičius, A.; Lakis, V. 2018. Differentiation of performance materiality in audit based on business needs, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 115-124.
5008 1912
Judita Narkunienė, Aurelija Ulbinaitė
Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Narkunienė, J.; Ulbinaitė, A. 2018. Comparative analysis of company performance evaluation methods, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 125-138.
8570 2762
Rasa Subačienė, Lehte Alver, Inta Brūna, Mirjana Hladika, Daša Mokošová, Jan Molín
Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Subačienė, R.; Alver, L.; Brūna, I.; Hladika, M.; Mokošová, D.; Molín, J. 2018. Evaluation of accounting regulation evolution in selected countries, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 139-175.
5261 2147
Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Teresienė, D. 2018. Performance measurement issues in central banks, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 176-189.
4922 2333
Svetlana Vegera, Alena Malei, Ina Sapeha, Volha Sushko
Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Vegera, S.; Malei, A.; Sapeha, I.; Sushko, V. 2018. Information support of the circular economy: the objects of accounting at recycling technological cycle stages of industrial waste, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 190-210.
5714 2014
Svetlana Vegera, Alena Malei, Renata Trubovich
Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Vegera, S.; Malei, A.; Trubovich, R. 2018. Accounting development of natural resources in organizations carrying out the disposal of municipal waste and biogas extraction in the context of the "green" economy, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 211-225.
4475 2108
Jolanta Žemgulienė, Mantas Valukonis
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Žemgulienė, J.; Valukonis, M. 2018. Structured literature review on business process performance analysis and evaluation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 226-252.
5103 2604
Alexander Borisov, Diana Narozhnaia, Elena Tarando, Alexey Vorontsov, Nikolay Pruel, Olga Nikiforova
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Borisov, A.; Narozhnaia, D.; Tarando, E.; Vorontsov, A.; Pruel, N.; Nikiforova, O. 2018. Destructive motivation of personnel: a case study of Russian commercial companies, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 253-267.
5490 1830
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Radwan, A. 2018. Science and innovation policies in North African Countries: Exploring challenges and opportunities, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 268-282.
5468 2046
Saule Ospandiyarovna Akhmetova, Mariya Shayahmetovna Suleimenova
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Akhmetova, S. O.; Suleimenova, M. S. 2018. Quality management system for improvement of quality and efficiency of food production: case of dairy products enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 289-310.
4897 2377
Aleksandr M. Batkovskiy, Pavel A. Kalachikhin, Elena G. Semenova, Yury F. Telnov, Alena V. Fomina, Viktor M. Balashov
Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Batkovskiy, A. M.; Kalachikhin, P. A.; Semenova, E. G.; Telnov, Y. F.; Fomina, A. V.; Balashov, V. M. 2018. Conficuration of enterprise networks, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 311-328.
5275 1972
Yevhen Mishenin, Inna Koblianska, Viktoriia Medvid, Yuliia Maistrenko
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Mishenin, Y.; Koblianska, I.; Medvid, V.; Maistrenko, Y. 2018. Sustainable regional development policy formation: role of industrial ecology and logistics, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 329-341.
6329 2155
Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Žitkienė, R.; Dudė, U. 2018. The impact of outsourcing implementation on service companies, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 342-355.
5292 1930
Ovidiu Niculae Bordean, Adrian Sonea
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Bordean, O. N.; Sonea, A. 2018. Student satisfaction and perceived skills: any link to employability?, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 356-370.
5403 2239
Victoria I. Tarasova, Yuri V. Mezdrykov, Svetlana B. Efimova, Elena S. Fedotova, Dmitry A. Dudenkov, Regina V. Skachkova
Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Tarasova, V. I.; Mezdrykov, Y. V.; Efimova, S. B.; Fedotova, E. S.; Dudenkov, D. A.; Skachkova, R. V. 2018. Methodological provision for the assessment of audit risk during the audit of tax reporting, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 371-397.
4746 2154
Yelena Petrenko, Sergey Pizikov, Nurlan Mukaliev, Anuar Mukazhan
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Petrenko, Y.; Pizikov, S.; Mukaliev, N.; Mukazhan, A. 2018. Impact of production and transaction costs on companies’ performance according assessments of experts, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 398-410.
5131 1904
Vyacheslav Volchik, Liudmila Klimenko, Oxana Posukhova
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Volchik, V.; Klimenko, L.; Posukhova, O. 2018. Socio-economic sustainable development and the precariat: a case study of three Russian cities, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 411-428.
4338 1907
Andrey Rogalev, Ivan Komarov, Vladimir Kindra, Olga Zlyvko
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Rogalev, A.; Komarov, I.; Kindra, V.; Zlyvko, O. 2018. Entrepreneurial assessment of sustainable development technologies for power energy sector, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 429-445.
4682 2211
Kanat Tireuov, Salima Mizanbekova, Bakhyt Kalykova, Gulmira Nurmanbekova
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Tireuov, K.; Mizanbekova, S.; Kalykova, B.; Nurmanbekova, G. 2018. Towards food security and sustainable development through enhancing efficiency of grain industry, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 446-455.
4887 1922
Karine Oganisjana, Svetlana Surikova, Konstantins Kozlovskis, Anna Svirina
Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Oganisjana, K.; Surikova, S.; Kozlovskis, K.; Svirina, A. 2018. Financial, organisational and informative involvement of the society in social innovation processes in Latvia, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 456-471.
4087 2568