
JCR Category: Business in ESCI edition

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues Open access
Journal Impact FactorTM (2023) 1.2 Q4
Journal Citation IndicatorTM (2023) 0.33 Q3

Volume 6 Number 1 September 2018

Issue DOI: 10.9770/jesi.2018.6.1

Print version


1. Problems and solutions of accounting and evaluation of biological assets in Latvia

Iluta Arbidane, Iveta Mietule

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Arbidane, I.; Mietule, I. 2018. Problems and solutions of accounting and evaluation of biological assets in Latvia, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 10-22.

5741    2394

2. An analysis of crowdfunded projects: KPI’s to success

Ieva Astrauskaitė, Arvydas Paškevičius

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Astrauskaitė, I.; Paškevičius, A. 2018. An analysis of crowdfunded projects: KPI’s to success, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 23-24.

4898    2121

3. Measurement of information in the subsystem of internal control of the controlling system of organizations of the agro-industrial complex

Svetlana Mikhailovna Bychkova, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Makarova, Elena Anatolyevna Zhidkova

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Bychkova, S. M.; Makarova, N. N.; Zhidkova, E. A. 2018. Measurement of information in the subsystem of internal control of the controlling system of organizations of the agro-industrial complex, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 35-43.

4309    1851

4. Behavior of the Lithuanian investors at the period of economic growth

Egidijus Bikas, Vitalija Saponaitė

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Bikas, E.; Saponaitė, V. 2018. Behavior of the Lithuanian investors at the period of economic growth, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 44-59.

5107    2144

5. Historical cost vs fair value in forest accounting: the case of Lithuania

Ramunė Budrionytė, Lionius Gaižauskas

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Budrionytė, R.; Gaižauskas, L. 2018. Historical cost vs fair value in forest accounting: the case of Lithuania, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 60-76.

5163    2358

6. The methodology of the statement of comprehensive income and its impact on profitability: the case of Latvia

Inga Būmane

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Būmane, I. 2018. The methodology of the statement of comprehensive income and its impact on profitability: the case of Latvia, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 77-86.

4412    2146

7. Integral assessment of developmental stability: cases of Lithuania and Ukraine

Liliya Filipishyna, Svetlana Bessonova, Gerda Venckeviciute

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Filipishyna, L.; Bessonova, S.; Venckeviciute, G. 2018. Integral assessment of developmental stability: cases of Lithuania and Ukraine, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 87-99.

4564    1798

8. The waves of enterprises bankruptcy and the factors that determine them: the case of Latvia and Lithuania

Jonas Mackevičius, Ruta Šneidere, Daiva Tamulevičienė

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Mackevičius, J.; Šneidere, R.; Tamulevičienė, D. 2018. The waves of enterprises bankruptcy and the factors that determine them: the case of Latvia and Lithuania, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 100-114.

4587    2184

9. Differentiation of performance materiality in audit based on business needs

Audrius Masiulevičius, Vaclovas Lakis

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Masiulevičius, A.; Lakis, V. 2018. Differentiation of performance materiality in audit based on business needs, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 115-124.

5008    1912

10. Comparative analysis of company performance evaluation methods

Judita Narkunienė, Aurelija Ulbinaitė

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Narkunienė, J.; Ulbinaitė, A. 2018. Comparative analysis of company performance evaluation methods, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 125-138.

8570    2762

11. Evaluation of accounting regulation evolution in selected countries

Rasa Subačienė, Lehte Alver, Inta Brūna, Mirjana Hladika, Daša Mokošová, Jan Molín

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Subačienė, R.; Alver, L.; Brūna, I.; Hladika, M.; Mokošová, D.; Molín, J. 2018. Evaluation of accounting regulation evolution in selected countries, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 139-175.

5261    2147

12. Performance measurement issues in central banks

Deimantė Teresienė

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Teresienė, D. 2018. Performance measurement issues in central banks, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 176-189.

4922    2333

13. Information support of the circular economy: the objects of accounting at recycling technological cycle stages of industrial waste

Svetlana Vegera, Alena Malei, Ina Sapeha, Volha Sushko

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Vegera, S.; Malei, A.; Sapeha, I.; Sushko, V. 2018. Information support of the circular economy: the objects of accounting at recycling technological cycle stages of industrial waste, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 190-210.

5714    2014

14. Accounting development of natural resources in organizations carrying out the disposal of municipal waste and biogas extraction in the context of the "green" economy

Svetlana Vegera, Alena Malei, Renata Trubovich

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Vegera, S.; Malei, A.; Trubovich, R. 2018. Accounting development of natural resources in organizations carrying out the disposal of municipal waste and biogas extraction in the context of the "green" economy, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 211-225.

4475    2108

15. Structured literature review on business process performance analysis and evaluation

Jolanta Žemgulienė, Mantas Valukonis

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Žemgulienė, J.; Valukonis, M. 2018. Structured literature review on business process performance analysis and evaluation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 226-252.

5103    2604

16. Destructive motivation of personnel: a case study of Russian commercial companies

Alexander Borisov, Diana Narozhnaia, Elena Tarando, Alexey Vorontsov, Nikolay Pruel, Olga Nikiforova

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Borisov, A.; Narozhnaia, D.; Tarando, E.; Vorontsov, A.; Pruel, N.; Nikiforova, O. 2018. Destructive motivation of personnel: a case study of Russian commercial companies, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 253-267.

5490    1830

17. Science and innovation policies in North African Countries: Exploring challenges and opportunities

Amr Radwan

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Radwan, A. 2018. Science and innovation policies in North African Countries: Exploring challenges and opportunities, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 268-282.

5468    2046

18. Quality management system for improvement of quality and efficiency of food production: case of dairy products enterprise

Saule Ospandiyarovna Akhmetova, Mariya Shayahmetovna Suleimenova

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Akhmetova, S. O.; Suleimenova, M. S. 2018. Quality management system for improvement of quality and efficiency of food production: case of dairy products enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 289-310.

4897    2377

19. Conficuration of enterprise networks

Aleksandr M. Batkovskiy, Pavel A. Kalachikhin, Elena G. Semenova, Yury F. Telnov, Alena V. Fomina, Viktor M. Balashov

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Batkovskiy, A. M.; Kalachikhin, P. A.; Semenova, E. G.; Telnov, Y. F.; Fomina, A. V.; Balashov, V. M. 2018. Conficuration of enterprise networks, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 311-328.

5275    1972

20. Sustainable regional development policy formation: role of industrial ecology and logistics

Yevhen Mishenin, Inna Koblianska, Viktoriia Medvid, Yuliia Maistrenko

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Mishenin, Y.; Koblianska, I.; Medvid, V.; Maistrenko, Y. 2018. Sustainable regional development policy formation: role of industrial ecology and logistics, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 329-341.

6329    2155

21. The impact of outsourcing implementation on service companies

Rima Žitkienė, Ugnė Dudė

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Žitkienė, R.; Dudė, U. 2018. The impact of outsourcing implementation on service companies, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 342-355.

5292    1930

22. Student satisfaction and perceived skills: any link to employability?

Ovidiu Niculae Bordean, Adrian Sonea

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Bordean, O. N.; Sonea, A. 2018. Student satisfaction and perceived skills: any link to employability?, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 356-370.

5403    2239

23. Methodological provision for the assessment of audit risk during the audit of tax reporting

Victoria I. Tarasova, Yuri V. Mezdrykov, Svetlana B. Efimova, Elena S. Fedotova, Dmitry A. Dudenkov, Regina V. Skachkova

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Tarasova, V. I.; Mezdrykov, Y. V.; Efimova, S. B.; Fedotova, E. S.; Dudenkov, D. A.; Skachkova, R. V. 2018. Methodological provision for the assessment of audit risk during the audit of tax reporting, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 371-397.

4746    2154

24. Impact of production and transaction costs on companies’ performance according assessments of experts

Yelena Petrenko, Sergey Pizikov, Nurlan Mukaliev, Anuar Mukazhan

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Petrenko, Y.; Pizikov, S.; Mukaliev, N.; Mukazhan, A. 2018. Impact of production and transaction costs on companies’ performance according assessments of experts, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 398-410.

5131    1904

25. Socio-economic sustainable development and the precariat: a case study of three Russian cities

Vyacheslav Volchik, Liudmila Klimenko, Oxana Posukhova

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Volchik, V.; Klimenko, L.; Posukhova, O. 2018. Socio-economic sustainable development and the precariat: a case study of three Russian cities, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 411-428.

4338    1907

26. Entrepreneurial assessment of sustainable development technologies for power energy sector

Andrey Rogalev, Ivan Komarov, Vladimir Kindra, Olga Zlyvko

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Rogalev, A.; Komarov, I.; Kindra, V.; Zlyvko, O. 2018. Entrepreneurial assessment of sustainable development technologies for power energy sector, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 429-445.

4682    2211

27. Towards food security and sustainable development through enhancing efficiency of grain industry

Kanat Tireuov, Salima Mizanbekova, Bakhyt Kalykova, Gulmira Nurmanbekova

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Tireuov, K.; Mizanbekova, S.; Kalykova, B.; Nurmanbekova, G. 2018. Towards food security and sustainable development through enhancing efficiency of grain industry, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 446-455.

4887    1922

28. Financial, organisational and informative involvement of the society in social innovation processes in Latvia

Karine Oganisjana, Svetlana Surikova, Konstantins Kozlovskis, Anna Svirina

Reference to this article should be made as follows:
Oganisjana, K.; Surikova, S.; Kozlovskis, K.; Svirina, A. 2018. Financial, organisational and informative involvement of the society in social innovation processes in Latvia, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(1): 456-471.

4087    2568