
JCR Category: Business in ESCI edition

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues Open access
Journal Impact FactorTM (2023) 1.2 Q4
Journal Citation IndicatorTM (2023) 0.33 Q3
Received: 2018-08-15  |  Accepted: 2018-10-20  |  Published: 2018-12-30


Smart management of technologies: predictive maintenance of industrial equipment using wireless sensor networks


One of the most important problems of creating new and also modernizing and operating the existing industrial equipment is to provide it with technical diagnostic tools. In modern systems, most diagnostic problems are solved by vibration monitoring methods, and they form the basis of this process. For several years already, when creating new responsible equipment, many manufacturers have completed it with monitoring and diagnostic systems, often integrating them functionally with automatic control systems. This paper discusses the methods of servicing industrial equipment, focusing on predictive maintenance, also known as actual maintenance (maintenance according to the actual technical condition).The rationale for the use of wireless systems for data collection and processing is presented. The principles of constructing wireless sensor networks and the data transmission protocols used to collect statistical information on the state of the elements of industrial equipment, depending on the field of application, are analyzed. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the feasibility of using wireless sensor networks as technical diagnostic tools from both economic and technical points of view. The result is the proposed concept of the predictive maintenance system. The paper substantiates the model of optimization of predic-tive repair using wireless sensor networks. This approach is based on minimizing the costs of maintenance of equipment. The presented concept of a system of predictive maintenance on the basis of sensor networks allows real-time analysis of the state of equipment. The approach allows implementing smart management of technologies in companies for ensuring stability of functioning.


management of technologies, monitoring of technological processes, industrial equipment, predictive repair, smart management concept

JEL classifications

D24 , C14 , C80






The research was conducted with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia within the framework of the project under the Agreement No.14.579.21.0142 UID RFMEFI57917X0142.

This is an open access issue and all published articles are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


Vlasov, Andrey I.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Articles by this author in: CrossRef |  Google Scholar

Grigoriev, Pavel V.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Articles by this author in: CrossRef |  Google Scholar

Krivoshein, Aleksey I.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
LLC "Konnekt", Moscow, Russian Federation
Articles by this author in: CrossRef |  Google Scholar

Shakhnov, Vadim A.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Articles by this author in: CrossRef |  Google Scholar

Filin, Sergey S.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
LLC "Konnekt", Moscow, Russian Federation
Articles by this author in: CrossRef |  Google Scholar

Migalin, Vladimir S.
LLC "Konnekt", Moscow, Russian Federation
Articles by this author in: CrossRef |  Google Scholar

Journal title

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues





Issue date

December 2018

Issue DOI


ISSN 2345-0282 (online)


VšĮ Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center, Vilnius, Lithuania


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