2017-09-14 | Accepted:
2018-01-15 | Published:
The Brazilian Amazon: a resource curse or renewed colonialism?
The aim of this paper is to highlight the effect of the endowment of resources on development through the analysis of the impact of national strategy, both at a regional and local level. The research focuses on the Legal Amazon, through the georeferenced analysis of socio-economic data from the last three censuses (1991, 2000 and 2010), in order to demonstrate how the Brazilian national energy strategy is contributing to the perpetuation of the phenomenon of the endowment trap at a regional level. Despite boosting the national growth, the concentration of sector-based projects in resource-abundant areas is unable to eradicate inequalities, which in turn perpetuates the path dependence.
Brazil, Legal Amazon, Dependency, Inequality, Human Development
JEL classifications
, O44
, O54
This research was supported by the project AguaSociaL an FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES - Marie Curie Action "International Research Staff Exchange Scheme", Grant Agreement Number 612633
This is an open access issue and all published articles are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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