ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES ISSN 2345-0282 (online) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, serving as a platform to foster multi/interdisciplinary innovations that bring together the research communities and the end-users being affected. It is where theory meets practice, evident in the authors being experts across the industrial value chain – including business visionaries, regulatory and standards bodies, and especially pan-European networking through public and private sector partnerships (PPPs).
Accepted papers present outcomes of initiatives and findings across all fields of science and technology, especially social sciences and humanities. Multi/interdisciplinary approach is encouraged. Recent additions to the already well-accomplished editorial board includes experts from the energy and information and communication technologies (ICT) sectors, particularly focused on advances to the state of the arts in environmental sustainability developments. This journal publishes original research papers that are rich with case studies of modern demonstrations, presenting innovative solutions to socio-economic and socio-technical problems that plague modern societies. It is a journal that is positioned as collaborative platform where theory meets practice, which is accomplished by publishing authors who’ve uncovered new linkages between data formulation and the underpinning theories, cases, observations, and validated hypotheses arising from the analysis of that data.
ESI journal scope includes as well a particular focus on the business development side of smart electricity grids regarding financial or innovative technological aspects surrounding: renewable production, energy storage and management, construction materials, retrofitting, urban planning, and the trading of actors within emerging markets affected by energy supply and demand tradeoff.
ESI journal reacts to the contemporary international context and includes into its scope array of topics affecting entrepreneurship ecosystem, such as: security and safety of countries, regions and society, boarder guard issues, migration issues, terrorism, international crime, security and safety models for sustainable development of societies and businesses etc.
ESI journal is an effective channel to disseminate the achievements of scientific or technological advances in both entrepreneurial and industrial settings, as it reaches broad audiences through the many portals, including prestigious Web of Sciences portal and facilitates cooperative development of sustainable technology deployment. ESI provides energy and materials science stakeholders with accessible up-to-date information for empowering standardized technological evolution, from the vision of tomorrow's entrepreneurs.
Areas of research include, but are not limited to, the following: